Maintenance & Operations
Wastewater Operations provides for the on-going maintenance of the District's sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant including secondary effluent treatment. This department has the primary responsibility of providing scheduled routine maintenance of the sanitary sewer system, operation and maintenance of the two pump stations and one lift station, and providing for emergency maintenance response. This department provides support services for design and construction of sewer projects undertaken by the District, and those of private developers.
The functions of the Wastewater department include general maintenance, cleaning and videoing of the District's sewer system as needed. The plant treats an average 15 million gallons of wastewater per month with a daily flow of 410,000 gallons of influent (wastewater coming into the plant) depending on the time of year. A regulatory requirement from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board is that all of the secondary water be contained on the plant site. An agricultural operation at the plant uses the treated effluent to raise alfalfa and other livestock feed which is known to help remove nitrates and further improve water quality.
The Wastewater operations must comply with all regulations from the primacy agencies of the State Water Resources Control Board and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Our Staff performs routine laboratory analysis of all wastewater before during and after treatment. We also perform groundwater monitoring tests to ensure water quality.